
About an UN Resolution

UN resolution for a worldwide matriarchy
It is the year 2030.
A commission met, which dealt with the topics history, psychology, sociology, political science, law and literature:
The progress of the commission's work:
The starting point for this decision came from the analysis of the Congo wars, Kivu disputes and especially the Hutu-Tutsi massacres. The analysis was new and interesting in that it was possible to show that the massacres did not only occur within the framework of a reaction-counterreaction-escalation, but were essentially based on pre-existing tensions - the Hutu. This means that it could be documented that an emotionally striking "incitement" within a short time, minutes to days(!), made people become murderers. And it was also statistically examined here: About 7 -8 % of the population (Rwanda) "transformed" themselves into murderers. And the core statement: in this group there were only 3 % women.
The starting point for this decision came from an analysis of the Congo wars, Kivu conflicts and especially the Hutu-Tutsi massacres. The analysis was new and interesting in that it was possible to show that the massacres did not only take place within the framework of a spiral of reaction-counter-reaction, but were essentially caused by pre-existing tensions among the Hutu people. That is, it could be documented that an emotionally striking "incitement" within a short time, minutes to days(!), turned people into murderers. And it was also statistically examined here: about 7-8% of the population (Rwanda) "transformed" themselves into murderers. And the core statement: in this group there were only 3 % women.
And this despite the fact that the incitement also and essentially emanated from one woman, Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, 1994 Minister of Family Affairs in Rwanda. However, other violent conflicts were also analysed and it was concluded that the 3% share could not be confirmed everywhere. The results of analyses of groups that were prepared to use violence, for example Nazi Germany, showed that the proportion of women who were prepared to use violence was higher when it was a longer-term development towards violence. This was the case, for example, with extreme right-wing or even left-wing radical groups. Here again it was striking that these radical political associations were relatively seldom involved in forming a government.
The study showed that only in individual cases did the female members of governments have protagonists with primarily male aggressive traits, e.g. Golda Meir. Other female members of the government, who appeared or acted aggressively, developed their aggression more out of considerations of the smallest resistance, i.e. rather passively, "foreign motivated", for example in Myanmar, persecution of the Rohingya and the Karen.
The investigation, and this was an absolute novelty, was led by historians. Under the premise that one could learn something from history after all. Literati were also involved, who were able to point out that female aggression often takes place in the "second limb", so to speak, for example undercover as measures of intriguing (already read in Shakespeare). The commission met for about two years. The result was:
The historical context allows the conclusion that the male gender has failed in terms of human qualities in leadership positions. In a gender comparison the result is highly significant to the disadvantage of the male gender. Other human characteristics, such as upbringing, education, material prosperity, cannot be statistically assigned with this high significance, such as gender. There are clear indications that developmental psychological influences, such as early childhood, but also pubertal and post-pubertal influences play a role here, such as experiences with physicality and experiences with one's own emotional world, whereby the experience itself and the processing of these experiences obviously leads to a modulation of the drive, especially the handling of the sex drive. In particular, it was pointed out that gender differences can also be proven transculturally, transnationally.
On the male side, in contrast, there is a highly significant diminished ability or lack of reflection during socialisation, which has an aggression-promoting effect.
Conclusion: the male gender has lost all confidence in the qualities of human leadership - forever.
Thus the UN Commission has come to the conclusion that it is necessary to recommend a path to a fundamental change in national governments:
Specifically: Including an article in the constitution of each country that states the highest offices of government,
Chancellorship, government presidency, prime ministerial office,
may only be occupied by women.
Furthermore, a passage is to be included which stipulates that the women in power will meet every six months - according to a schedule to be determined. It is recommended that the meeting be held at UN headquarters, alternating with a conference in a host country.
The start-up period for the implementation is to be estimated at 4 years. 4 years can be used to put together the new governments as a shadow cabinet during this period. Previous elections can be held in any country in the usual manner, including the usual "party landscape", whereby a low democracy index of a nation must not lead to a delay.
A deadline must be set on which the new governments all over the world become active simultaneously.
According to calculations by the Commission, these measures could reduce the frequency of armed conflicts by 60 - 80 % in the medium term. Moreover, it could be possible to better manage the global ecological measures to be taken as a result of climate change.
Gereon Walther
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